
class roentgen.absorption.Material(material_str, thickness: Unit("m"), density=None)[source] [edit on github]

Bases: object

An object which provides the properties of a material in x-rays


material_str : str

A string representation of the material which includes an element symbol (e.g. Si), an element name (e.g. Silicon), or the name of a compound (e.g. cdte, mylar). Cap-sensitive.

thickness : astropy.units.Quantity

The thickness of the material in the optical path.

density : astropy.units.Quantity

The density of the material. If None use default values.


>>> from roentgen.absorption.material import Material
>>> import astropy.units as u
>>> detector = Material('cdte', 500 *
>>> thermal_blankets = Material('mylar', 0.5 *

Methods Summary

absorption(energy) Provides the absorption fraction (0 to 1).
transmission(energy) Provide the transmission fraction (0 to 1).

Methods Documentation

absorption(energy)[source] [edit on github]

Provides the absorption fraction (0 to 1).


energy : astropy.units.Quantity

An array of energies in keV.

transmission(energy)[source] [edit on github]

Provide the transmission fraction (0 to 1).


energy : astropy.units.Quantity

An array of energies in keV